Student Testimonials

Fadjinou Ablavi Josephine
Secretary of Architecture at C.I. Services

I was orphaned at the age of 12 and taken in by my uncle. After graduating from college I wanted to pursue a career in computer training. While looking for a place to study computers I found ACTS and opted to study computer graphics. I graduated from ACTS in June 2015 and was able to find a job as the secretary of architecture at C.I. Services. I would highly recommend ACTS as an exceptional vocational school because students learn not only computer science and multimedia, but also languages including English and French. In 10 years I see myself having my own architecture firm, being financially responsible and married with a family.

Zotou Mensa
Multimedia Technician

I was one of 11 children raised by my father and six mothers. My father later became unmarried and could no longer take care of his children. As a result, we had to give up pursuing our education. I became a taxi driver, got married and had three children. However I always dreamed of pursuing a career in computer science. That dream became a reality when I came across ACTS. I felt encouraged and inspired by the instruction and course materials provided. I studied filming, video editing and computer graphics. Thanks to ACTS I am now a professional with skills, my health has improved as well as my financial situation. My wife and children are proud of me. My dream is to one day have a place to call my own and become a famous filmmaker.

Yao Dona
Sponsored ACTS Student

Hi, my name is Yao Dona. I am 25 years old. I became an orphan of father at the age of three. Thanks to my mother and brother I went to elementary school until I joined an orphanage. I finished my high school studies and was about to go to college but unfortunately the orphanage closed down. I went back home and stayed with my parent and my brother. Unfortunately, my brother who was the bread winner of the family passed away. I then could not go to college. With the ACTS sponsorship program, I found hope again. I now have a training that helped me find a job that helps me take care of my basic needs, like transportation and having breakfast. I want to especially say thanks to sister Amanda for helping me with this program. God bless you.

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