Donate to ACTS

Please use the online platform to set up direct donation or monthly donations. We thank you for your generous support!

Proper facilities are integral to any student’s education. Since 2014, ACTS has been continually raising funds to improve and procure facilities for our students. Your donation will help provide a physical space and educational opportunities for the young adults in West Africa to overcome poverty and rebuilt their life goals.

Localized medical education is the long term solution to the severe medical needs of West Africa. Your donation will also go towards our medical clinic project which will build into the future ACTS Medical Education Program.

2022 Projects we are raising funds for:

ACTS Togo Operation Fund

Target: $25,000

ACTS Ghana Operation Fund

Target: $40,000

ACTS Benin Operation Fund

Target: $25,000

River of Life Clinic

Target: $35,000

Land Development Phase 0

Target: $20,000

US Operation

Target: $40,000
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